Voici le moment venu de vous présenter notre 4e challenge.....
Cette fois ci, c'est notre amie Titelaine qui a eu l'idée de challenge et qui offrira un cadeau à la gagnante...........
Pour ce challenge vous devrez realiser une page dans la combinaison de couleur: Marron et orange....Peu importe la taille de votre page, tout est accepté!! Une seule condition seulement: une combinaison de couleurs d'automne...
Vous avez jusqu'au 31 octobre 2007 à minuit (Central European Summer Time)
Here is the moment to present you our challenge number 4...
This time, it's Titelaine's idea....And she will give a rak to the winner of this challenge..
For this challenge, you have to realize a layout with a color combo: brown and orange....No matter the size of your layout, the only thing we want you to do is use the colors brown and orange, the color of the autumn!!!!
You have until 31th october 2007 at midnight (Central European Summer Time) to realize your layout
Here is the moment to present you our challenge number 4...
This time, it's Titelaine's idea....And she will give a rak to the winner of this challenge..
For this challenge, you have to realize a layout with a color combo: brown and orange....No matter the size of your layout, the only thing we want you to do is use the colors brown and orange, the color of the autumn!!!!
You have until 31th october 2007 at midnight (Central European Summer Time) to realize your layout